For Christmas this year, my sweet sister-in-law gifted me this book and I am SO excited to read it! I have heard nothing but fantastic things about this book, and let's be honest, who of us doesn't need to let go of perfection and just live in the moment?
I am not a believer of New Year's resolutions, I believe in themes for the year on what you want to focus on (more on that later), but this will fit into my themes wonderfully.
I truly hope in the next few days, before the new year begins, you all can find grace for yourself and others, peace in the present moment and can be inspired to guide how you will change in 2018. Change is inevitable, the question is will you let change simply happen to you as an innocent bystander, or will you be the driver of the changes you choose?
Present over perfect. Perfect is the enemy of happiness, success and productivity because it is an unattainable goal.
I am excited to read this with a cup of tea. Or coffee. Or wine. But regardless, to relax, read and find further inspiration on how to embrace the imperfect present with the greatest joy I can!