Yes, today is a day that is too often focused on food, football and shopping. And yes, while I may love the occasional piece of pumpkin pie and enjoying a fabulous meal with family, I also can easily forget the roots of this holiday.
Thankfulness for the life we are given.
Today, I challenge you to take a moment to reflect. To think back on the intent - a day to give thanks for a harvest. A harvest to sustain families through a harsh winter. A true time of celebration and gratitude for the ability to continue on living life. Living in the good and the bad, the up and downs. The joy and the sorrow.
Do not take today for granted, because wherever you are in life, you are more blessed in many ways than someone else. Reflect on the original celebration - it was not one of bounty or overindulgence, but one of survival. Gratitude and thankfulness for the possibility to continue on in this crazy, beautiful life.
Thanksgiving. Give thanks. Truly, give thanks to someone today. I promise you, a genuine expression of gratitude for even a small act of kindness can change the course of a life.
Much love to you all - and THANK YOU. Thank you for reading this, for supporting me and for all you do to lift others up.