Welcome to the Fire.
Fire is transformative. So is life.
May you find inspiration to fuel your fire.

I write, because I have always written. It is as much a part of me as the blood that courses through my veins.
With 2020 in the rearview mirror, I am reminded of the saying that ‘things in the mirror are closer than they appear.'
Isn’t that the truth?
In truth, of course I had a team – nurses, physicians, techs and more. But, they are not with me the entire time. They are not there, holding my hand. Mostly, I feel alone.
Taking my mask off in the past, was a simple, thoughtless endeavor. It was almost freeing, in fact, to take it off and discard the mask and never think about it again.
Unfortunately, that is no longer the case.
As an infectious diseases and critical care physician, a wife, a mom, a daughter, an extended family member, a friend, there are a few things I really want to tell you about COVID19.
What have I done in the last 10 years? How have I truly changed?
Too often, I see the short-term changes, but not the long-term ones.
Welcome to
the fire.
One theme that has always struck a deep cord is the "process" in which a diamond evolves. On the surface, we see a beautiful, yet profoundly strong, gemstone that is sought after and highly valued. If we look deeper, we see the raw material, forged from an unassuming piece of coal, that under extreme fire and pressure evolved and became a diamond.